Wednesday, March 30, 2011


When trying to find healthy recipes I could try I discovered the Mayo Clinic had recipes. I go on there all the time to research but never knew they had this section! They have several categories for recipes but the one I use is Weight management. Since I've been busy I haven't reviewed any recipes yet but plan to this upcoming week. A lot of their stuff sounds super yummy. Also, I love that they give the nutritional facts so you know how many calories you're taking in.

My allowed daily calorie intake is 1500 with working out. I generally don't take in more then 1200 with snacks. Not going to lie.. I haven't worked out in a week due to feeling sick and in pain. I'm not sure how well I'll work out next week after my gallbladder surgery but I'll at least get on the treadmill. Since I haven't worked out in a week I unfortunately haven't lost anymore weight but luckily haven't gained either. I have however lost 2 inches around my waist since I last checked 2 weeks ago. ;)

Adam and I are looking into getting a fancy scale that will help me keep track of weight loss and BMI. Right now since we don't have a scale I find out when I go to the doctors lol. I told myself a year ago that I would focus more on inches lost then weight lost because you can gain muscle. I ALWAYS have made myself feel bad if I look on the scale and see I've gained or stayed the same while trying to lose. So now I focus more on measurements and try not to get bothered by what the scale says. In the end I know I'll reach my goal. :)

Anyway, just wanted to share the recipe site. I'll post what we've tried so far later.

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